Creator: Unknown_raven

Description: This script allows you to fuse two items together to make one new one. This allows for adding blacksmithing as you can fuse various metals together to create swords and what not.

Paste this sub at the bottom of the main.txt

' *********************
' * Blacksmithing 1.1 *
' * Made by: Grey *
' *********************

Sub Blacksmithing(index, item1, value1, item2, value2, reward, durability, stackable, chance)
' -stackable should be set to "True" if reward is a currency item.
' -if the values of item1 and item2 should be 0 if they are not currency.
' -players must not try and fuse items that are equipped.
' *Please besure to follow these notes if you wish the script to work*

emptyslot = 0 'signifys that emptyslot was not found
item1slot = 0 'signifys that the item was not found
item2slot = 0 'signifys that the item was not found
i = 1
Do While i <=24
x = GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, i)
If x = 0 Then
If emptyslot = 0 Then
emptyslot = i
End If
End If
If x = item1 Then
If item1slot = 0 Then
item1slot = i
End If
End If
If x = item2 Then
If item2slot = 0 Then
item2slot = i
End If
End If

' this section checks to make sure the player has the required items and space.
If emptyslot <> 0 Then
If item1slot <> 0 Then
If item2slot <> 0 Then
If GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item1slot) >= value1 and GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item2slot) >= value2 Then
DICE1=(Int((100 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1))
If DICE1 <= chance Then
i = 1
Do While i <= 24
If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, i) = reward Then
If GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, i) >= 1 Then
Call PlayerMsg(index, "Value is " &GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, i), 14)
rewardslot = i
i = 25
End If
End If
If value1 = 0 Then
value1 = 1
End If
If value2 = 0 Then
value2 = 1
End If
value1 = GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item1slot)-value1
value2 = GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item2slot)-value2
Call PlayerMsg(index, "You successfully created a new item.", 14)
If value1 <= 0 Then
Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, item1slot, 0)
Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item1slot, 0)
Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item1slot, value1)
End If
If value2 <= 0 Then
Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, item2slot, 0)
Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item2slot, 0)
Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item2slot, value2)
End If
If stackable = "True" Then
Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, emptyslot, reward)
Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, emptyslot, 1)
Call SetPlayerInvItemDur(index, emptyslot, durability)
Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, item1slot)
Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, item2slot)
Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, emptyslot)
Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, rewardslot, GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, rewardslot)+1)
Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, item1slot)
Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, item2slot)
Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, rewardslot)
End If
Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, emptyslot, reward)
Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, emptyslot, 1)
Call SetPlayerInvItemDur(index, emptyslot, durability)
Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, item1slot)
Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, item2slot)
Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, emptyslot)
End If
Call PlayerMsg(index, "You failed to create a new item.", 12)
End If
Call PlayerMsg(index, "You do not have the valid resources to fuse.", 12)
End If
Call PlayerMsg(index, "You do not have the valid resources to fuse.", 12)
End If
Call PlayerMsg(index, "You do not have the valid resources to fuse.", 12)
End If
Call PlayerMsg(index, "Your inventory is full!", 12)
End If
End Sub

now you can use the command

Call Blacksmithing(index, item1, value1, item2, value2, reward, durability, stackable, chance)

-item1 and item2 represent the two items being fused
-value1 and value2 are for specifying how much of that item you need for the fusion
-reward is the item that will be created.
-durability is for when the reward is an item that has durability. If it does not have durability then just set it to 0.
-stackable is a true/false that you must fill in to specify whether the item is a currency type or not. Simply say "True" if the reward is currency and "False" if it is not. Dont forget the quotation marks.
-chance can be a number from 1-100. It represents the chance of the fusion succeeding. If it fails nothing is taken away. Best to leave it at 100 if you want it to always work.